Monday, January 12, 2009

Whats up wtih Textbooks???

So those of you who are in school now or have just gotten out will know what I am talking about. Why in the world to textbooks for college have to cost so dang much. You have to take out a house payment it seems like in order to pay for books for school. I have started using amazon and other places to buy as many of the books as I can but there are times when that still is really expensive for people. These companies need to learn that we are all college kids and have no money ha ha. The one thing that would help the most is for the professors to tell us if we really need the book or not. I cannot tell you how many times they put one on the syllabus and u never really need it. Maybe that is just my poor study habits but i have a descent GPA..... Anyways textbooks are no fun and i wish someone could come up with another way to do it and not give the publishing companies so much money. just food for thought and some of my frustrations.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Disc Golf

Disc golf is a great game. You have the disc and you do not have to pay much to play, as a matter of fact the course i play on is FREE. Just so you know those are some of my favorite letters put together. Today i was being extremely lazy and Kevin called me. Honestly I ignored the first one because i was half asleep and answered the second time to him asking me to go play. It was a great time, a great way to relieve stress, you walk around a lot and get to talk and share life together. Isn't that what discipleship is?? He made it a point to hang out with me and to talk to me about everything going on. It is amazing to have people like him in my life, especially right now as i am learning the ropes of being a Youth Pastor. Anyways relieving stress is a great thing to do. I am the world's best at stressing out. If i could not find any way to get out and have fun then i would go crazy. Everyone needs to find a way for them to relieve stress and have fun. It is real easy to get caught up in doing and going but have to make sure to take time for yourself. Well this week has flown by and I have a meeting in the morning so i am going to go to bed. I hope everyone maybe just two of you but hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another Rainy Day

So normally we beg for it to rain but after days of rain we start complaining about it and want nice weather again. We are funny that way. The part that we dislike the most about the rain I believe is the gloominess that it brings (if that is even a word). Makes everyone want to stay in bed and people just aren't as happy. How many times do we find ourselves in a rather gloomy spot spiritually. Just seems as though we are stuck, or maybe everything is going downhill for you. The good news is like the picture there is a break in the mess, and the other side is so beautiful. Ya times may be tough, continue to seek after God and run towards him and you will find that light. Just seek God with all that you have in the good times and bad, and you will be blessed. May not be the blessing you want but he will bless you. " Great are the plans that man has, but it is the plans of the Lord that will prevail." - God... Trust him, walk in his ways, and the light will come. The beauty of the Lord will rain down and you will be truly happy. have a blessed day.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Brand New

So for those of you who may have read the Plant City mission trips blogs, i fell in love with blogging and going to continue doing it. Mostly will just be all the random stuff that goes on in my head and it just makes me feel better to write it all down. Also i just want to go ahead and warn you all that I cannot spell and grammar is terrible so you will just have to overlook it. God is really teaching me a lot whenever i make sure i listen. this will be a good way for me to pass on what he is teaching me. I hope that everyone who looks at this will get something out of it. There will be times when it is just random and dumb thoughts, but you have to have those days you know. well that is all for the first one. Hope all is well

In his love,
Andy Stinespring